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  1. SuperBower118

    Important An open and honest discussion on the state of our community

    Hostile in what way? Hostile to the staff, hostile towards players, or both? Either way, being hostile on here isn't right, but you can't say you expect the players to be 100% happy with how things were going before Mist came back from the dead if you think people have been hostile towards staff.
  2. SuperBower118

    Denied Jumping

    I sprinted towards mine and it worked for me.
  3. SuperBower118

    Denied Combo Animation Redesign

    I don't see the point of most of these, to be honest. FireKick is fine the way how it is, the Fireblast at the end only appears if you fireblast after the firekick. FireShield... well it comes down to the principle that if it isn't broken, don't fix it. I think it's fine the way how it is...
  4. SuperBower118

    Denied Jumping

    It actually does consider jump boost- there's a bending server that's been 1.9 - 1.10 for a while (before Pk updated to 1.10), and Auto-jump worked absolutely fine with air / chi 's passive.
  5. SuperBower118

    Important An open and honest discussion on the state of our community

    Another idea would be to make an actual official ProjectKorra server- with a spawn, arena, maybe a wilderness and if a good amount of people join, tournaments. Perhaps it could be a Bungee server that could link to a world where we'd do Youtube Videos (maybe add a whitelist?) and the test...
  6. SuperBower118

    Important An open and honest discussion on the state of our community

    The state of the community is also not so good. People are growing up and leaving. I think it'd be best if PK actually used their PK channel, or someone else made some videos on a couple of things. Maybe some tutorials, and ratings of moves (this was done in the past with some earth and lava...
  7. SuperBower118

    Important An open and honest discussion on the state of our community

    There needs to be some sort of way to bring back old threads that have just gotten lost in time. Bumping is technically illegal (not that anyone seems to moderate bumping anyways lmao), but it's the only way to bring back good ideas. CDs need to actually look into the glorious library of Looking...
  8. SuperBower118


    Maybe let it be guidable and use falling magmablocks like earthline does and let magma blocks be in it's wake?
  9. SuperBower118

    Denied (Fire) An Alternate to FireTick

    FireTick has basically been removed, which I can understand. However, one thing that I do think would be interesting would be to give Fire back some of it's damage it used to do with FireTick. I mainly vision this to be a config option; if you ever add FireTick to a move, you could set one...
  10. SuperBower118

    Community Update: PK 1.8.0 is here!

    So where would we find the official changelog?
  11. SuperBower118

    Better Move Interactions

    Meh. Still, stronger blasts and streams of fire have been seen to overpower smaller blasts of water, so I don't see why a charged fireblast should get blocked by a watermanip.
  12. SuperBower118

    Better Move Interactions

    That was a herd of Waterbenders and that was a flaming stone, not an actual FireBlast and it was stopped by a giant spike / wall of ice, not a watermanipulation. If a charged fireblast is so explosive, why should one smallish water obstruction COMPLETELY stop it?
  13. SuperBower118

    Better Move Interactions

    I'd like to bring this up again, mainly because like I stated above, this is pretty much needed in the plugin. Why? Because it's not exactly fair or logical to have to charge up a fireburst all the way only to have ONE airbender airswipe you when you release the burst and then it's just... gone...
  14. SuperBower118


    that'd require a texture pack, which not everyone will want / get.
  15. SuperBower118


    It's one thing to work towards your goal to achieve something, but it's another thing to be obsessed with it. Honestly, they've been "crushing bugs" for actually... I'd say 7 or more weeks too. I like it that PK's actually accomplishing something, but I feel like this is getting to the point...
  16. SuperBower118

    Collapse and EarthTunnel should be ONE

    You can't collapse a wall 100 feet in the sky, Collapse has a range limit, and you have to be at least 10 - 14 blocks close to the object you want to collapse.
  17. SuperBower118

    Collapse and EarthTunnel should be ONE

    ... If you want to collapse a wall, and you don't want to go near it... I don't really see this working if Right click is involved for collapse at all, and sadly, this is the only real way to merge them.
  18. SuperBower118


    Particles themselves can't light up areas with actual minecraft light.
  19. SuperBower118

    Collapse and EarthTunnel should be ONE

    Collapse, however, isn't used like WaterSpout. It's used for utility too, and even offense and defense. WaterSpout is only used for lifting yourself up to higher locations and staying up at that height.
  20. SuperBower118

    Collapse and EarthTunnel should be ONE

    Expect waterspout isn't really close range because it's right underneath you. It's more of an extension to your mobility. I also find it flawed to compare WaterSpout to Collapse: both are moves in two seperate elements and categories for that matter. It's like comparing apples to oranges.