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  1. Finn_Bueno_

    Most Accurate Map of Avatar - Help Wanted

    Considering this is about 2 years old, no.
  2. Finn_Bueno_


    Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. I'll fix this and the naming once I get back from vacation. Until then I can't really do anything sadly, sorry.
  3. Finn_Bueno_


    I'm not sure that is my ability's doing. Looks more like this is the way PK formats it, I'm not sure though. @OmniCypher
  4. Finn_Bueno_


    Ah yes, because I point out you're a hypocrite, I'm an asshole.
  5. Finn_Bueno_


    Rekt. You literally are in no position to say that. EDIT: @Pride you seem to have hit the agree button. Do you know what I'm saying?
  6. Finn_Bueno_


    Just notifying you of the fact backdoors aren't allowed.
  7. Finn_Bueno_

    The Official Share Your Items Thread

    I know, it's just so useless.
  8. Finn_Bueno_


    A plugin can't automaticly know which config options are not in use anywhere in the plugin. Therefor, it'll add new ones, not remove unused ones.
  9. Finn_Bueno_


    How does one request a take over?
  10. Finn_Bueno_


    I'll add it when I have time. However I think it was a bit off waste of time tho since it's kinda hard to see through it.
  11. Finn_Bueno_

    How to differentiate between ProjectKorra damage and the EntityDamageByEntityEvent

    But it has nothing to do with the question. I could go around saying I use Prodent toothpaste to brush my teeth but nobody would get better from it. The OP asks how to differentiate between Bending damage and actual minecraft damage in the EntityDamageByEntityEvent.
  12. Finn_Bueno_


    Your last video goes against yourself. If it doesn't matter you wouldn't say it's not anime. The video I put was made by someone commenly referred to as "the anime pope" and has lots and lots of more videos. Someone who starts their video with "anime is a japanase blablabla" is looking at it way...
  13. Finn_Bueno_


  14. Finn_Bueno_


    Finn_Bueno_ submitted a new resource: SeismicSense - Sense your way through the ground Read more about this resource...
  15. Finn_Bueno_

    Earthbending SeismicSense 1.0

    Description: This ability allows advanced earthbenders to "see" through earth via vibrations. To use, sneak. The ability will start charging, as you can see on your screen. After you've reached your desired radius, either click to view through earth in a cone shape, or release sneak to view in a...