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  1. Simplicitee

    Old flight

  2. Simplicitee

    Move Permissions

    That would be a negative.
  3. Simplicitee

    All commands are not working projectkorra plugin

    Apparently you're not using spigot
  4. Simplicitee

    PK Items update request

    The plugin did. But it lost functionality and no longer works as intended. There are plans in progress that will help the plugins be updated easier without any loss of functionality. I'm glad there's an interest to help the plugins but removing code still isn't a fix.
  5. Simplicitee

    PK Items update request

    It's not that which is the problem. In the changes, all that was done was removal of a lot of code, which in turn removes functionality in the plugin. The PRs are unlikely to be accepted because they don't actually fix anything.
  6. Simplicitee

    Ability Register Fails

    One of your abilities is trying to use an element that isn't yet known by the system, you'll need to make sure the element is initialized first
  7. Simplicitee

    Suggestion JedCore Moves in ProjectKorra (Core)?

    We're not struggling. Every developer is too busy with life at the moment to dedicate time to pk, so there's just been a long period of time where nothing is being done. It will pick back up eventually, just gotta be patient. On the point of the thread, we aren't in the process of adding more...
  8. Simplicitee

    Jedcore support

    It's not aggressive tho.. idk what you're so worked up about, they just stated their opinion.
  9. Simplicitee

    Introducing: ProjectJelly

    All you gotta do is apply, and also PK is open-source so anyone can contribute. Our trello is also public so it's known what needs doing, you and others could very well take the initiative and spend time working on the plugin. I'm not saying you should completely ignore your own stuff, I as well...
  10. Simplicitee

    Introducing: ProjectJelly

    Surprised addons are still being made.
  11. Simplicitee

    Suggestion Instructions ChatColor

    Change it to be "&r &<insert your color here>Usage:" or whatever, something like that.
  12. Simplicitee

    [SOLVED] Creating a custom ability with two events

    @Sam1370 you're forgetting to have @EventHandler above your animation event method. It won't be able to run if that isn't there
  13. Simplicitee


    Perfectly describes me
  14. Simplicitee


    You see my issues?
  15. Simplicitee


    Simplicitee updated MetalRepair with a new update entry: Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. Simplicitee

    Earthbending MetalRepair - Fix

    * Fix permission with /bend reload
  17. Simplicitee


    How did you manage this..
  18. Simplicitee


    Thought I had fixed all these throughout my abilities, gimme a few minutes