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  1. B

    Multi Bender Combos

    I suggested this once... everyone hated it. :P
  2. B

    Suggestion Lightning Randomnization

    Thanks for enlightening me.
  3. B

    Denied beam of souls

    Is this in the show? Do you have any visual reference? Ar det i showen ? Har ni nagon visuell referens ? Cool idea though
  4. B

    Suggestion Waterbending Source Move Changes

    I like it, it makes waterbending more realistic. Plants should be default considering you are only bending liquid water from them.
  5. B

    Suggestion Airbending Pouch

    I like the first part on how water fills the bottle after the air leaves the bottle. (Sounds like chemistry class.)
  6. B

    Suggestion Lightning Randomnization

    I like it but in the show, it was a learned skill not a thing that you are born with. Correct me if I am wrong.
  7. B

    Suggestion Avatar Bending during eclipses

    Ex Exactly. Aang had a special circumstance that let him bend. However normally he wouldn't be able to bend. You've contradicted yourself brother
  8. B

    Suggestion Avatar Bending during eclipses

    They could bend fire and water DURING THE ECLIPSE?
  9. B

    Suggestion Avatar Bending during eclipses

    I don't like this, the avatar should not get special privileges like that, and I am pretty sure in the series the avatar couldn't bend fire or water.
  10. B

    Element Combinations

    I am not a coder, but I am pretty sure the plugin knows just by observation. Ex. If I am a waterbender, and I tap shift to use watermanipulation, the other bender can't just throw the watermanipulation for me. This shows that the plugin knows which player is bending. Also, what is wrong with...
  11. B

    Element Combinations

    Update: Also there should be a new skill known as coordination, and you can only have coordination with selected players. Meaning, if two players that have no coordination and teamwork with each other try to do a combination it will fail and may even backfire. A player can add five friends to...
  12. B

    Looking Into Tiny details

    Meat penalties actually is realistic, for the most part airbenders don't eat meat and when they do they should get nausea. This is because when a human eats only plants their bodies get used to a plant based diet. So when they eat meat, it makes them sick. Ask a vegetarian, they'll tell you.
  13. B

    Element Combinations

    This is untrue, on most servers there are many avatars that come through donations. If this is not true for a server, there are still many servers that offer a "master" rank to players that master one element and give them a new one as a subelement.
  14. B

    Element Combinations

    Elements: All All element combinations will be: Water, earth Water, air Air, earth Air, fire Yes, I know I did not write water, fire and fire, earth. This is because I could not think of a logical combination. Also: All elements can learn chi if that is what the owner wants. Why: On many...
  15. B

    Denied Bloodbending - Psychic Control

    Can you detail the main differences between this and regular bloodbending?
  16. B

    Surge Shield (add-on)

    Jew, this sounds kind of similar to the IceWall suggestion I made this morning. I like your version too!
  17. B

    Waterbending is struggling

    What is a water camper? I just started bending again a month ago.
  18. B

    Waterbending is struggling

    I understand they aren't going to give a huge boost to water in one update, but I believe the developers could have put some thought on more pvp abilities for water in 1.5 and 1.6.
  19. B

    Waterbending is struggling

    I think that iceblast, icespike and watermanipulation are pretty much the same move just with small tweaks. However, I partially agree that water has a solid offense. I, completely agree with the utility arsenal being great and useful for normal survival outside of pvp. Also, I wouldn't mind...
  20. B

    Waterbending is struggling

    Ok, we all know this as true, but some people will disagree because they want water to stay underpowered. Water right now is the worst element in the plugin, this is because the developers have been giving earth lots of new offensive abilities like metalbending and lavabending. Air has gotten...