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  1. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    Ah! Sorry I misunderstood you, when you said "don't use regions." I took that as you had worldguard installed but just weren't using any region flags! Airburst does nothing but create multiple airblasts in a fan shape or in a 360 depending on if you click or release it. So does airblast...
  2. dNiym

    Ice Rippple

    Combos IMO are fantastic. We can have some advanced techniques that are geared more towards pure benders. Our avatars tend to gravitate toward the more powerful moves of each class or specific sets of moves, with combos being added they're forced to rethink their binds to be able to pull off...
  3. dNiym

    Fixed FireBending issue

    If it helps your crusade: Blaze will overwrite the following entities on the ground, meaning they go away and fire is left in their place. Material[] overwriteable = { Material.SAPLING, Material.LONG_GRASS, Material.DEAD_BUSH, Material.YELLOW_FLOWER, Material.RED_ROSE...
  4. dNiym

    Bug Report Random MCPC Difficulties

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.projectkorra.ProjectKorra.Utilities.ParticleEffect This error means the class Utilities.ParticleEffect could not be initialized while ParticleEffect.java is definitely include in the PK.jar and compiled it does rely on several other...
  5. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    are you using worldguard 6? if you're not it could very well be your problem but you would probably have tons of errors in the console if running wg 5.9. just for giggles tell me what flags if any are set in /region info __global__
  6. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    Any errors in your console? Is it on every world? What are the region flags set to? /region info /region info __global__
  7. dNiym

    Fixed Some moves not working

    you'll either have to downgrade project korra or upgrade worldguard. That is the only current solution. WG6 will get better it does have a few issues i dont like but trying to run an older worldguard against the newer project korra could have some bad results, such as moves not working or...
  8. dNiym

    Permissions Help.

    Mmmm any reason you're against a perms plugin? Makes setting and revoking them on the fly quite easy. Also if you're recompiling the source to add these things you can set default permissions in the plugin.yml
  9. dNiym

    Fixed Some moves not working

    You're right I did. But that's your problem new versions of pk only support wg 6. Time to take the plunge and upgrade!
  10. dNiym

    Fire Jet Ski

    Levitation implies that they are hovering over the ground. Not moving particularly quickly. That's what regular firejet is for. I actually implemented this on our server and have had zero complaints about it being hard to use.. To activate they simply shift and again if they wish to...
  11. dNiym

    Fixed Some moves not working

    Are you also running world guard 6? And have you set /region __global__ lighter allow /region __global__ TNT allow
  12. dNiym

    Project Resource *Should i?*

    Makes really longwinded rant about ripping off ideas.. Turns out was wrong.... Blows it off with no apology / retraction of inaccurate rant. Classy.
  13. dNiym

    Fixed Some moves not working

    It's 1.7.10 with the protocol hack which will allow 1.7 clients and 1.8 clients to connect. Spigot with full 1.8 is in process but not out yet
  14. dNiym

    Fixed Some moves not working

    Find Spigot Build 1648 and patch it per spigots page instructions, zero problems and runs soooo much better.
  15. dNiym

    Bug Report unable to /bending remove

    30.10 18:06:10 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.ApplicableRegionSet, but interface was expected All those errors look to be related to other things in the bending plugin rather than the /bending remove command... The...
  16. dNiym

    1.5.0 BETA 14

    Can you post your __global__ flags? Confirmed working with zero problems with: worldguard 6.0.0-Snapshot.1464 Spigot- with the 1.8 protocol hack Region Flags: build:allow tnt:allow lighter:allow Build does NOT have to be set to allow in global but if you have build set to deny it probably...
  17. dNiym

    Fixed Chiblocking Rapidpunch Ghost

    The default range of rapid punch is 4 so in theory you should be able to rapid punch anyone through a 3 block thick wall. I just verified this on my server, chi blockers can rapid punch through a stone wall that is 3 blocks thick. I also just looked at the rapid punch code, there is nothing...
  18. dNiym

    Items Mod

    Not really, the PK source does not yet support item addons (like drop in abilities) And they require a couple additions to various places in the code to get them to activate that would require them to be officially added in by PK staff. IE the water robes check activation on player move...
  19. dNiym

    Items Mod

    The items from the avatar world can be added in without a special client really.. Through the use of custom item recipes (like the grappling hook) and some code to handle the behaviors. We have several items already in place ranging from combat to mobility to utility. They do give the...
  20. dNiym


    Upgrade worldguard make sure its WG 6 Turn respect worldguard back on (thats why nothing in your region settings pay attention to worldguard use the following to enable firebending across the whole world: (You'll have to do this in the end/nether as well) /region flag __global__ lighter...