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  1. dNiym

    I downloaded the plugin but it doesnt work?

    you should be able to run it without worldguard. It should still work with a wrong version or no version installed. Again if it's not doing anything we need to see the logfile to determine what the problem is.. You definitely need Java 7 for it to run, that seems to be a pretty common...
  2. dNiym

    How do i install this plugin?

    nope PK requires java 7 you'll have to upgrade to use it. Or host the server on a different machine.
  3. dNiym

    How do i install this plugin?

    Yep. Upgrade your java on your server. Unsupported minor version You need to be on java 7
  4. dNiym

    How do i install this plugin?

    Can you give us the errors from your log files?
  5. dNiym

    Icestream (Water)

    Torrent that you don't have to channel before firing.. Also quite similar to iceblast
  6. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    It's real hard to find links to it online, and most forums don't allow people to post links to it. You also have to be real careful if you get it from someone because they could have modified it. There are instructions on spigots site as to how to verify that the version you have is secure...
  7. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    I'm starting to think this is an issue with your craftbukkit version. I mean looking at the code again there are no differences in how the cone burst and sphere burst do particles and knockback. I am running the latest patched spigot with the 1.8 protocol hack. Is there a newer craftbukkit you...
  8. dNiym

    Project Resource *Should i?*

    That's the route I'm personally going for, all large PVP / faction battles (on our server at least) are fought with players with full diamond enchanted gear... and not so much with bending. I would rather see it the other way around, the heavy armor should inhibit bending imo. Your...
  9. dNiym

    Fixed FireBending issue

    Okay, I've added all those blocks so a blaze on top of them will set them on fire. Now for the overwritables. These are items that blaze would remove and leave fire in their place. Are there any others that should be added? Material[] overwriteable = { Material.SAPLING...
  10. dNiym

    Complete WaterSeal

    I submitted a fix for this to the devs it's two lines of code and rapidpunching through walls is gone.
  11. dNiym

    Fixed FireBending issue

    Well a Charged Fireblast will definitely do it, not 100% sure on the non charged version, although if it sets things on fire it probably will prime it.
  12. dNiym

    Fixed FireBending issue

    Cool thx I'll add most if not all these. We will have the same issue with the new 1.8 blocks. As for TNT you can ignite it with fire blast not sure about blaze
  13. dNiym

    I downloaded the plugin but it doesnt work?

    Google pastebin, copy and paste it into pastebin send me a link
  14. dNiym

    I downloaded the plugin but it doesnt work?

    Okay if you're running this server from your home computer: Wherever you have the server installed there should be a directory called logs. You could search your computer for current.log If you have a host you'll need to log into your control panel, ftp access and the first set of directories...
  15. dNiym

    I downloaded the plugin but it doesnt work?

    No errors in the logs?
  16. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    I think that's the one I'm using as well, the particle type shouldn't cause an issue unless they were erroring out again that should be throwing errors in the logs. You *could* try changing them in the config but I see no logical reason for that to make a difference with no errors in the log...
  17. dNiym

    Fixed FireBending issue

    Seriously, make a list of whats missing ill add it and submit it.
  18. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    Try to rename EssentialsAntiBuild.jar to EssentialsAntiBuild.disabled and restart server. See if your problem persists.. I removed antibuild long ago because of issues and never went back.
  19. dNiym

    Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug

    That's quite strange as there is literally one line of code that is different between the cone burst and the sphere burst. This one line of code just tells the burst to only fire if the position is within the angle specified. Does your servers tps stay up pretty consistently? Like 19+...
  20. dNiym

    I downloaded the plugin but it doesnt work?

    Check your logs for errors.. Also if you happen to have voxel sniper installed it's /b seems to override project korras. Use /bending display <element>