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Airbending Windsweep 1.1.0

Ever wondered why Airbending never had a proper, dedicated ability for agility? Me too. So I decided to make Windsweep.

This ability is intended to replace Airblast as the go-to movement ability for airbending. As such, it is my personal recommendation to set Airblast's SelfPush config setting to 0 when using this. (but you don't have to, of course)

Pressing sneak will launch the user wherever they're looking provided that they have leverage, meaning they must be on the ground and/or next to a block. This allows for wall-jumping.

Clicking will make the user jump backwards. Again, provided that they have leverage.

Sprinting while the ability is selected will grant the user a speed boost.

Cooldown: Default 700 (meaning 0.7 seconds)
Velocity: refers to the strength of the regular jump
Speed: Level of speed that the sprint boost gives
VelocityBackwards: refers to the strength of the backwards jump
BackwardsJumpHeight: refers to how high the backwards jump is

BackJump: allows you to toggle the backwards jump
SprintBoost: allows you to toggle the sprint boost
Jump: allows you to toggle the normal jump

This is the permission node for Windsweep

Here is the ability on Github
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Bugfixes and configs

    Added: - Configs to toggle specific parts of the ability Fixed: - All overt bugs present in the...