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Search results

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    Denied EarthFlatten

    K cool
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    Denied EarthFlatten

    Ok cool so will yours become a thing?
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    Denied EarthFlatten

    Element: Earth Move: EarthFlatten Description: This combo is basically like an earth domino effect. With this combo you can basically make an earth wall then push it over onto your enemy then crush them. EarthFlatten: This is a close ranged attack so I think it should deal at least 3-4...
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    Looking Into Earthdrill

    K sry I didn't know
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    Looking Into Earthdrill

    The Earthking on [Do not advertise servers] (_Theorizer) and I were talking about making a move called Earthdrill. Its a mobility move for earthbenders, the gist is just like water benders can do that fast swim well earthbenders can do that underground. This would be a combo though and it would...
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    ProjectKorra 1.8.2 is Out

    When will pro bending and the tremor sense thing come out?
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    Core / Probending Update!

    I have an idea for a alternate earth element, just like King Bumi did, what if there was Crystal Bending.
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    Core / Probending Update!

    when will this be released?
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    Core / Probending Update!
